L'itinéraire de randonnée historique et de mémoire : histoire et patrimoine V1 en vallées de l'Yères et de la Bresle

Last news from the front...

This Friday, the 7th September, Mr. Hubert De MEGILLE, the director of the historical center "Le BLOCKHAUS Eperlecques" (Pas-de-Calais - 62) one of our partners, visited us to contemplate the work already done on the various V1 sites.

Article hubert de megille

Mr. Hubert De MEGILLE on the right

With Mr DELEFOSSE, he also went to Mr. LEMERCIER workshop, our craftsman boilermaker, in charge of the construction of catapults and V1 reproductions.


You will find below the leaflet from the BLOCKHAUS of Éperlecques. Visit our "Partnership" page to access the historical center website.

Article Hubert de Megille (3)
Article Hubert de Megille (2)